Books,  Geoffrey Bradfield,  Interior Design,  Life and Style

A Must Read: A 21st Century Palace by Geoffrey Bradfield

The pages of Geoffrey Bradfield‘s latest interior design book will certainly take you to one of the most breathtaking and soaring palaces in the world. Get ready to be transported to a rich virtual journey through the creation of one of this stunning new breed of palaces: a high-rise residence Bradfield designed in the heart of Mexico City. It showcases all the requisite building blocks essential to the development of any great modernist collection: museum-worthy 20th- and 21st-century painting and sculpture, ravishing Art Deco furnishings (my favorite!) and extravagant materials cut and quarried from halfway around the planet.
A 21st Century Palace will be available for purchase on Amazon, and Barnes & Noble in July 1, 2012
This is the first volume in a series that will examine the astonishing particulars of five distinct contemporary palaces located around the world. Geoffrey Bradfield is well equipped to tell this story. “Functional Opulence” is the key to his designs, which draw inspiration from the Orient, African Primitivism, and Art Deco.

His work incorporates fine art and antiques with modern materials and high tech accessories, attaching the same sculptural value to utility objects as to important pieces of art. The look, drawn from the twentieth century, results in intensely comfortable and superbly elegant environments that delight the eye, mind and body alike. In 1991, he co-wrote Point of View: Design by Jay Spectre. He is the eloquent writer of Celebration: Christmas in New York, published in 1993, and a book showcasing his work of the last decade, Geoffrey Bradfield – Defining Millennium Modern was published in 2004. In 2009, he wrote Geoffrey Bradfield Ex Arte which was published by Panache Partners. The book featured a compilation of his international projects. Feel free to contact me, if you’d like to have a signed copy of one of the most anticipated book of this season.

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