Stephen Jones

  • Bard Institue,  HEW Hotels,  Life and Style,  Museums,  Stephen Jones

    Stephen Jones at the Bard

    Hats:  An Anthology by Stephen Jones
    The Bard Graduate Center:  September 15, 2011 to April 15, 2012

    “I was honored when the V&A asked me to curate an exhibit about hats.  I had so much fun finding unique head decoration in the most interesting of places.  This exhibition draws on millinery collection world-wide and is truly an eclectic and exciting anthology of hats from the last millennium to the present day.”
    Givency:  Ostrich Feather

    In order to show the universal appeal of wearing hats, Stephen Jones has chosen a wide variety of styles such as motorcycle helmets, turbans, berets, ad a child’s plastic tiara.  Also on display at the exhibit are the works of contemporary New York milliners:  Ellen Christine, Rod Keenan, Rod Keenan, Eugenia Kim, Lola, Jennifer Ouellette, Albertus Swanepoel, and Patricia Underwood.  You will discover hats worn by celebrities such as Madonna, Brad Pitt, and Keira Knightley.  Estee Lauder’s turban, Halston bunny ears worn by Candace Bergen to Truman Capote’s Black & White Ball.  Divine!
    Caroline Reboux:  Empress Eugenie

    Stephen Jones spearheaded the fashionable revival of British millinery in the early 1980s. Using unusual materials and daring designs, his exquisitely crafted hats have pushed the boundaries of hat design forward for more than three decades. Jones has collaborated with many leading fashion designers including Marc Jacobs, Comme des Garçons, and Christian Dior.

    Bonnet – circa late 1800s
    Gordon:  Kiss Of  Death
    It was so very hard to pick a favorite from one display after another.  But if I had to make a few choices, I would say that the English Bonnet, and this “hat” from Gordon made the list for me, as well as some other eye catching favorites from Stephen Jones.
    Balenciaga Spiral Hat
    The exhibit consist of hats ranging from a twelfth-century Egyptian fez to a 1950s Balenciaga hat and couture creations by Jones and his contemporaries.

    Christian Dior Haute Couture

    Last weekend, my husband and I went to see The Stephen Jones exhibition at the Bard Graduate Center on the Upper West Side. It was extraordinarily beautiful, and we were delighted to discover the exhilarating world of Mr. Jones. Personally, I simply cannot wait for the next opportunities to visit the show again, and again. What’s so exciting about a hat exhibition, I mean what is the fuss all about?  For one thing, I adore good looking hats, and the history behind these was too good not to have a mention here.

    This collaboration is between the Victoria and Albert Museum in London and Stephen Jones, the world’s foremost hat designer. An array of 250 exquisite hats (some dating back more than 300 years ago right into the 21st Century’s top fashion power houses) have been chosen with the expert eye of the master milliner.  The BGC is offering a special series of lectures, study days, gallery talks, and conversations in conjunction with the exhibit. For further information, please call 212-501-3011 or e-mail them at

    Don’t forget THE book!
    Honestly, this is one of the most notable fashion page turners. Penned by Stephen Jones and Oriole Cullen, curator of textiles and fashion at the V&A, and published by V&A Publishing, this book draws on Jones’ unparalleled body of work and the V&A’s extensive collection of hats. Also featured are key pieces from international hat collections and design houses. Lawrence Mynott’s specially commissioned illustrations preface chapters that examine the milliner’s inspiration, the creation and process of making, how to buy a hat, and the etiquette of hat-wearing.

    The Bard Graduate Center
    18 West 86th Street
    Between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue
    Gallery hours are: Tuesday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
    and Thursday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.

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