Art Deco,  Art Deco Posters,  Posters

The Art Lover Art Deco Posters

This month, I spent a fair amount of time in Connecticut.  While I was there, I indulged in some of my favorite things: sailing, antique shopping, and of course, catching up with old friends.  One such old friend asked me if I ever heard of the Samuel Owen Gallery down on Jefferson Street.

Charsadda Bugatti by Razzia

Being that I do not remember names quite easily (I am more like the “visually inclined” type), my reply was negative.  But as soon as we drove down to Stamford, and I stepped inside the gallery, I realized that this was the same place that my husband’s friend have been sending me email updates on, from time to time, over the last year or so.  Anyone who knows me know that I simply cannot get enough of anything that is Art Deco related.  The Samuel Owen Gallery boasts some of the most comprehensive art deco posters.  Situated in a 5,000 square foot loft, what you’ll find inside this art lover paradise will be just about any vintage prints from Art Deco, Art Nouveau to Mid Century.  They even have a fair amount of fine art posters from Andy Warhol which ranges between $400 to $58,000, as well as prints from Robert Deyber, and James Rieck.
 Louis Vuitton Cup by Razzia
Nitrolian by Leonetto Cappiello
Venise Simplon Orient-Express by by Pierre Fix Masseau
Dubonnet Vin Tonique Au Quinquina by A.M. Cassandre

For tips on collecting art, please visit the following websites.
Oprah:  How to Collect Art

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