Books,  Decorative Arts,  Design,  Industrial Furniture,  Mid 20th Century Furniture

Jean Prouvé’s Industrial Furniture

French metal worker, Jean Prouvé was a self-taught architect and designer who would most likely always be remembered for his influence in the development of the idea of nomadic architecture, likening a chair to a house, and designing both with portability in mind.
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Above all, his main achievement was the ability to transfer manufacturing technology from industry to architecture, without losing aesthetic qualities. It’s also worth mentioning that he was an outstanding designer with many talents. From architectural design, industrial design, structural design right down to furniture design.

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One of a kind cradle by Jean Prouvé, 1936
In Vogue
Popular Jean Prouvé Standard Chair Vitra (picture provided by
Jean Prouvé: Visiteur Lounge Chair 
(picture provided by
Jean Prouvé Compass desk 
Ateliers Jean Prouvé
Jean Prouvé table
Jean Prouvé Coffee Table, 1944
Jean Prouvé: Objects and Furniture Design By Architects

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