Architecture,  Art,  Art Deco,  Bauhaus,  Books,  Design,  Gifts,  HEW Hotels,  Shopping,  The Metropolitan Museum,  Vyna St Phard

Shopping at The Met with Vyna

The Metropolitan Museum Gift Store
“To the making of many books there is no end…” And The Metropolitan Gift Shop is an authority on supplying the world’s most outstanding reading materials. After a recent visit to the New American Wing Galleries for Paintings, Sculpture, and Decorative Arts, I decided to commemorate the occasion by visiting the gift shop and adding a few more books to my home library. I’m in the process of doing some research for a garden that I’m designing, and dedicating to the memory of my mother, and found the Gardening section had the right amount of variety of designs and styles which were quite helpful. In addition, I picked up a number of books ranging from architecture, fashion, and decorative arts. Would you like to find out exactly which ones were my favorites?







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